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Parent & Community Partner Involvement

Parent & Community Partner Involvement

  • About School Site Council

    The School Site Council serves as the school community representative body for determining the focus of the school’s academic instructional program and all related categorical resources.

    The Site Council is responsible for revising the School Site Plan including expenditures, timelines and evaluation criteria as needed, as well as annual evaluations of the effectiveness of the school’s progress toward meeting school goals to raise student achievement for all students. It provides ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the plan and budgets/expenditures.

    School Site Council Meeting Dates:

    September 19, 2024 – Agenda/Minutes

    October 17, 2024 – Agenda/Minutes

    December 12, 2024 – Agenda/Minutes

    February 6, 2025 – Agenda/Minutes

    March 12, 2025 – Agenda/Minutes

    May 15, 2025 – Agenda/Minutes


  • Meeting Time: 6:00 p.m.

    Meeting Location: B6

    Meeting Dates: 


    Your attendance and participation are very important for the program to reach its goals and objectives for the benefit of students. Please come!

    Es muy important que usted venga a esta junta ya que su participación es necesaria para llevar a cabo los objetivos y metas del programa para beneficio de sus hijos. ¡Por favor venga!

    Nej qhov kev mus tswm ntsej tswm muag thiab mus koom tseem ceeb heev rau txoj luag dej num thiab tej homphiaj rau qhov zoo rau cov menyuam kawm ntawv. Thov sawv daws mus koom kom tau!

    What is ELAC?

    The Buhach Colony ELAC committee advises the principal and staff on topics relating to English Learners, including:

    • The development of the school’s plan for English Learners;
    • The development of the school’s needs assessment;
    • Administration of the school’s language census (R-30); and
    • Activities designed to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.

    Parents/guardians of English Learners at Buhach Colony High School elect parent members of the ELAC committee. The committee also elects one representative to attend the District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC).


    ¿Qué Es ELAC?

    El comité ELAC de Buhach Colony aconseja al director y personal sobre temas relacionados a los Estudiantes Principiantes del Inglés, incluyendo:

    • El desarrollo de un plan escolar para Estudiantes Principiantes del Inglés;
    • El desarrollo de una evaluación de necesidades escolares;
    • Administración del censo de lenguas (R-30) en las escuelas; y
    • Actividades diseñadas para que los padres sepan la importancia de asistir regularmente a la escuela.

    Los padres/tutores de los estudiantes principiantes del inglés eligen a padres como miembros del comité. El comité también elige a un representante para que asista al Comité Consejero del Distrito para Estudiantes Principiantes del Inglés (DELAC).

    ELAC Ua Dabtsi?

    Cov ELAC paub tawm tswvyim uas zoo tshaj plaws los pab tus thawj xibfwb thiab cov ua haujlwm hauv tsev kawm ntawv los pab cov menyuam kawm lus Askiv, yog nrog rau:

    • Kev tsim kho lub tsev kawm ntawv cov haujlwm rau menyuam kawm lus Askiv;
    • Kev tsim kho lub tsev kawm ntawv cov kev pab;
    • Theeb xyuas cov lus hais nyob hauv tsev kawm ntawv raws xyoo (daim ntawv R-30); thiab
    • Kev tsim los rau cov niamtxiv kom ceevfaj txog kev tseemceeb hais txog kev tuaj kawm ntawv txhua hnub.

    Cov niamtxiv/cov sebxyuas menyuam ntawm cov menyuam kawm lus Askiv uas muaj caij nyoog los xaiv cov niamtxiv nyob rau committee no. Cov committee mam li los xaiv ib tug mus sawvcev mus rau pem District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).